Upcoming Events
Upcoming events
Embrace Grace Baby Shower
Join us March 27th at 6:30 PM to celebrate our Embrace Grace Moms
FAMILY NIGHT- Come Grow Together
Join A Lifegroup!
5:00PM - prayer group
6PM - Grab and Go meal in the gym
6:30PM -
Men's group in Gym-Studying GENESIS
Women's groups in the Sanctuary - (sign up at the Welcome Center)
Choose from: When Words Matter Most, Growing Together or Grace in Chaos – Biblical Hope for the Hard Days of Motherhood.
BRITE* Kids ages K-5th Grade Downstairs in the Children's area *Childcare provided for ages 0-5 in the nursery from 6:30 - 8PM
Junior High Guys meeting in the youth room.
Junior High Girls meeting in the upstairs conference room
7PM - Precepts Bible Study through Numbers in the Downstairs Conference Room (sign up at the Welcome Center)
Salt Life '25
Students from 6th-12th grade! Come join us for Salt Life '25 as we dive into scripture and study how to chart and maintain a life-course that is headed towards eternal life. We will talk in depth about what knocks us off course, how to re-navigate in the midst of the storms of life, and, most importantly, the necessity of being anchored to Jesus.
Retreat this year will take place April 4th-6th at Dunes Bible Camp in Ocean Park, WA. There will be exciting games, impactful session times, great night snacks, time spent in the pool and on the beach, and even a trip into downtown Long Beach, WA! Cost is $110 per person, discounted to $90 if you sign-up by March 16th.
Click Here to Register
Resurrection Week Services
Maundy Thursday 4/17 6:30pm
Good Friday 4/18 6:30pm
Resurrection Sunday 4/19 9am & 11am
Childcare is not available for the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services, but the nursery will be open for parents to use. More details to follow.
Men's Retreat April 25-27, 2025
This spring we are partnering with Summit to Summit Ministries for our men’s retreat from April 25th-27th at Washington Family Ranch - Young Life Camp.
We will join other churches from the Columbia River Gorge area for a time of fellowship, encouragement, and growth.
Grab a flyer from the Welcome Center and see Pastor Brett for any questions.
Sunday Nights at 6 PM How to Interpret Your Bible
Join us Sunday Nights for a video series with Frank Turek about how to interpret your Bible.
Workbooks $11

CPR Training
We encourage volunteers and leaders to have this training, to be prepared for emergencies.
What you will receive:
· CPR, AED, and First Aid Card
· 2YR Certification
Instructors: Phil Oaks, Charlie Dawson
Training will be held at Bethel Community Church in the Gym
Saturday, April 27th, 1:30-4:30 pm
Cost $60.00 Paid at Class
Light Refreshments Provided
Contact Krystal Varney for questions at: kvarney@bethelcommunitychurch.org

BCC Youth - The Salt Life '24
Faith Amidst the Waves
How would you define faith in just a couple of sentences? If you had to rate your own faith on a scale from 1-10, how would you rate it? So often we see Jesus exclaim to his disciples “oh you of little faith,” and yet they had given up everything to follow him. What, then, is the standard of faith? What does faith that isn’t so little look like, and how do we have that kind of faith? These are the questions we will be seeking to answer at retreat this year, and if you have ever found yourself asking these questions, or questions like them, then join us at Dunes Bible Camp as we dive headfirst into scripture that our faith might grow and our lives might more reflect and honor Christ!
Available for 6th-8th graders. Cost for camp will be $90 per student. Talk to Jared about the special pricing available when you bring a friend that doesn’t attend youth group. janderson@bethelcommunitychurch.org

Senior Saints Potluck - Let it Snow Make-Up Day
Please join us to enjoy fellowship, prayers, hymns, games and fun as we celebrate a make-up snow day with a potato bar lunch. We will be providing baked potatoes, bacon bits and chili.
Please sign up at the Welcome Center to bring shredded cheese, sour cream, salads, dessert or chips.

Philos - Hike
All Young Adults Welcome!
April 13th, hike at Falls Creek Falls. Meet to carpool from Bethel at 9:30am.
Contact Liam Arthur at larthur@bethelcommunitychurch.org

Ladies Night Out
Join us for a fun night of card making and fellowship Friday, April 12th at 6:30 pm in the Gym at Bethel.
Rebecca Miller will help us to make 4 cards – 2 cards to keep and 2 cards to bless the Church while unleashing your creativity!
Cost is $15.00 and all supplies are provided. You are welcome to bring a snack to share but it is not necessary. Email Pam about registering at pplotner@bethelcommunitychurch.org

Easter Sunday
Join us in celebrating Jesus’ resurrection, March 31st at 9:00am and 11:00am

Good Friday Service
Join us on Good Friday, remembering Jesus’ sacrifice. March 29th at 6:30pm

Senior Saints Potluck - He is Risen!
Tuesday, March 19th in the gym at Bethel. Please join us for a ham potluck luncheon, fun, and fellowship. We will provide the ham and rolls.
Signup at the Welcome Center to bring a potato side dish, gravy, a salad, veggies, or a dessert.

Understanding Our Times and the Biblical Path Forward
Understanding Our Times and the Biblical Way Forward is Dr. Tackett's most recent Biblical worldview conference. It will take place on March 2nd 9am-12pm. Introducing "The Engagement Project" Small Group Study.
For more information and to register, visit Understanding Our Times Events
What is The Engagement Project?
Individual Prices:
Individual for Understanding the Times Conference, $20
Individual for Understanding the Times Conference PLUS receive The Engagement Project Small Group Materials for hosting your own small group, Streaming Only (unlimited online access granted with no end date), $50
Individual for Understanding the Times Conference PLUS receive The Engagement Project Small Group Materials for hosting your own small group, Streaming AND DVD Set, $70
Couple Prices (2 people):
Couple for Understanding the Times Conference, $30
Couple for Understanding the Times Conference PLUS receive The Engagement Project Small Group Materials for hosting your own small group, Streaming Only (unlimited online access granted with no end date), $60
Couple for Understanding the Times Conference PLUS receive The Engagement Project Small Group Materials for hosting your own small group, Streaming AND DVD Set, $80

Senior Saints Potluck - God's Unfailing Love
February 20th, 2024
In the Gym
11:30am - 1:30pm
Join us for fellowship, fun, food, the “Oldie Wed” game as we celebrate God’s unfailing love for us.
We will be providing lasagna and garlic bread. Please sign up at the Welcome Center to bring salad, vegetables or a dessert.
See you there!

Everything Youth Conference 2024
Attend Everything Youth Con 2024 " Jesus Makes Everything New" with Bethel Community Church!
This event exists for students to have an opportunity to grow in their faith in Jesus, or hear about Jesus for the first time. Everything Youth Conference is for 6th-12th graders in the Portland Metro Area to come together and connect, hear the words preached, worship, and have fun. During the weekend there will be great music, keynote speakers, breakout sessions, games, and lots of fun surprises!
We were buried therefore with Him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised form the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. - Romans 6:4
Cost $89—Please turn in a payment form
Drop off Friday, 5:45 pm and Pick up Saturday 10:00pm at Northwest Gospel
1420 NE 3rd Ave, Camas, WA 98607
Students will stay in host homes overnight, please pack accordingly.

Philos - Snow Trip!
Philos - Young Adults Group
Tubing and snowboarding at Ski Bowl on Mt Hood.
Join Philos here. OR contact Liam Arthur at larthur@bethelcommunitychurch.org

Freedom Night in America: The Conscience of Medicine
With Guest Speakers Dr. McCullough and Dr. Victory

Philos - Beach Retreat
Philos - Young Adults Group - Retreat
The Miller’s have graciously opened their beach house to us.
This weekend's focus is spiritual warfare and dealing with associated depression etc.
Join Philos here.
Freedom Night in America: Essential Church
Viewing and discussing the movie “The Essential Church”

BCC Youth - New Year's Eve Party
BCC Youth will be celebrating New Year’s Eve at Bethel Community Church.
Join us for games, movie, snacks, some time in God’s word and worship.
Drop students off at 7:00pm and pick up by 12:30am.

Candlelight Service
Bethel’s Annual Candlelight Service will be held on Christmas Eve at 4:00pm

Blue Christmas
A reflective Christmas service for those who grieve, for their families, and anyone who is experiencing loss or struggles through life circumstances. Anyone is welcome. The goal of this worship service is to provide a focus on the miracle of the Christ child in the hope of His coming, and to encourage all who attend. We can celebrate His birth and recognize the strength and hope passed on to us. God is our strength and hope.
Joshua 1:9

Bethel Kids - Christmas PJ Party
Dress in your favorite holiday pajamas and join the Kids of Bethel Community Church for laughter, singing, games, snacks and just flat out fun.
Children, ages 5 and up are invited to come Thursday, December 21st, in the gym at 1pm.